✨ Celebration ball 🎉- Queen Margaret University

Needing photos? We’ve got you covered.

Queen Margaret University asked us to cover their Health Science celebration ball where the night bridges academia with festivity. Our role surpassed photography; it's about encapsulating the raw emotions, from joy to pride, that define the event. Candid snapshots bring out authentic connections, portraying mentors imparting wisdom and friends sharing genuine laughter. The true stars of the evening are the graduates!

These photographs hold more than pixels; they crystallize memories. In the years ahead, they will rekindle the same pride experienced on this unforgettable night, connecting generations of health science enthusiasts.

We loved working with QMU - getting to see familiar faces and giving back to the university. You can see our other QMU work here.

Contact us for more information


Case Studies and Research Dissemination - Queen Margaret University


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