Case Studies and Research Dissemination - Queen Margaret University

Case studies are a vital part of research and Queen Margaret University’s work output.
Over the last few months, we have been working alongside a collection of researchers, experts and academics to capture and showcase their exciting work. Covering a range of topics from Cinema to COVID wards, these videos are collected into this larger complication project to showcase QMU’s current projects with a personal touch.

Working from scripts provided by academics, we filmed across the country; capturing and filming the research first-hand. Some of these projects can be hard to share or understand from reading a paper alone. These videos are intended as an introduction to the research and a way to easily and accessibly share findings.

With one main video, and then a collection of individual case studies, this project took most of a year to put together, travelling around Scotland, to organise these different projects into one piece. spanning multiple fields of research across the university, this work aims to inspire and educate about underappreciated areas of study.

Please watch, enjoy and share the following smaller videos.


You can see more of our QMU work here. As always, please contact us if you would like to find out more.


Listen and Learn Tutorials - DataTile


✨ Celebration ball 🎉- Queen Margaret University