Planting a Wee Forest - Queen Margaret UIniversity

Queen Margaret University was planting a Wee Forest to surround an outdoor classroom as part of their Outdoor Learning Hub and asked us to come along. A Wee Forest is a tennis court-sized area where people can create dense planting of fast-growing native woodland. The Wee Forest is part of a £500K ScotGov funded project, led by Nature Scot, with schools & local communities planting 20 Wee Forests across the country. The Hub will provide access to different environments for learning activities, wellbeing, community engagement and professional development, and will become a central point of learning for QMU students, the local community and the wider teaching profession.

On the 24th and 25th of February 2022, the kids got stuck in; even with the snow and mud! With icy winds too, everyone had fun making sure this forest will be full and evenly spread. Patrick Boxall, Lecturer in Initial Teacher Education at Queen Margaret University, is leading the development of the University’s outdoor learning hub.

And even Sir Paul Grice, QMU’s Pricincipal, was on site; planting his own tree within the forest.

As you can see here, we created a package of beautifully blended press release adjacent images and photos to document the event and fun mood. With an overall enthusiasm (lead by the kids) we captured how fun and exciting this day really was. Here is a great example of one of our press photos in the wild in The Edinburgh Reporter.

Image of Patrick Boxall and Sir Paul Grice standing with shovels ready to plant trees.

If you are ever interested in finding out more about this project or any others please feel free to contact us.


Working with The Lane Agency - Queen Margaret University


Motion Graphics showcase and collection - 2019-2021