Outdoor Learning Hub, Discovery Trail - Queen Margaret University, Architecture and Design Scotland, Nature Scot

Following on for our previous work with Queen Margaret University, we were asked to capture and help create the Outdoor Learning Hub videos. This project consisted of 8 trail marker videos attached to QR codes, scattered across the QMU campus and green space. From February 2023 and throughout the year, we filmed, captured, and immersed ourselves in nature and life on campus.

This landscaping project worked with Architecture and Design Scotland, NatureScot and academic staff to help build and understand these spaces but also implement the nature in a safe and organic way. We worked closely with Patrick Boxall to help capture the essence of exploration and understanding throughout this journey.


With the original intention being to film over the summer, this project grew into an all-year-round masterpiece, capturing the campus and landscape across nearly a full calendar year. All seasons and weather conditions came out to celebrate nature, making filming a fun and unpredictable experience. The effect this has on the films, however, brings the university grounds to life.


The QR code function of this project really brings it into the 21st century, incorporating technology into outdoor learning. The videos were then designed from the ground up to be scanned and watched on mobile devices like phones. They showcase the spaces and the variety of ways they can be used not just for those studying at Queen Margaret University but also for local communities.


With all those videos comes asset generation, quality control, and time management to create a suite of sweeping and captivating videos. One small part of that process involved creating the campus map and its motion graphic. This more detailed illustration of the campus was created based on an original drawing and satellite images. The movement then helps to put the viewer in place while allowing an aesthetic style to represent the campus.

The main filming day to shoot the creation and construction of the Howff, a natural and self-supporting structure. This day of filming alone took long hours of concentration from all involved to work with the heavy timber and capture shots without getting in the way.

Alongside all of these aspects of content creation, creating so many thumbnails for this project was quite daunting. Each one has to be eye-catching while also remaining unique. As with our other thumbnails, we always take design into consideration, alongside performance analytics. We are strong believers in aesthetics and quality with a purpose. Thumbnails serve as guides for the videos, as well as a way to catch potential viewers’ eyes, so it’s necessary that they look consistent and engaging.

Similarly, website banners had to have a consistent look whilst also playing a verry different role in catching the eye. For each trail video, a thumbnail and website banner was creates, totalling 16 controlled images for the website.


It has been a true joy working with Patrick and the QMU team again and helping to him create this vision for the campus grounds. We look forward to walking around ourselves and exploring the sites as they grow.

For more information, drop us an email, or visit the QMU website.


The Story Continues… - Queen Margaret University


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