Litter Pick and Play, What is Litter-Pick and Play? - PlayScotland

We had the pleasure of collaborating with our good friends at Play Scotland once again to promote the message of litter-free play areas and the significance of safe outdoor spaces for children. Our aim was to educate both children and adults about the importance of maintaining a clean environment and protecting the surroundings. To achieve this goal, we created two compelling videos that capture a day out in slightly rainy weather, showcasing the concepts of Litter Pick and Play. These videos provide valuable information on the subject matter and teach people how to implement them in their lives.

We loved working with the kids and leaning a bit more about how they felt doing this activity. We found that children of all ages are very environmentally conscious and understand the work they do will make a difference. As outlined in the Play Scotland article:

“Children have a right to play under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. However, many children face significant barriers in realising this right.

From natural disasters to everyday issues, public spaces are often unwelcoming and unsafe for children to play in. Children who are already disadvantaged by disability, poverty, and other factors, are disproportionately affected by the environment.

We also adapted these films for social media. By crafting more concise versions in a 4:5 aspect ratio, we ensured that our message could reach an even wider audience.

Later in the year, we were commissioned to help produce a video for The Litter Pick and Play Exhibition. This extended film mixes footage from both the previous Litter Pick and Play events, along with additional remote footage from Nigeria, India, and the United States.


You can see more information and how to get involved on their website.


We previously worked with Play Scotland to capture and explore their outdoor pack, created for kids and family to play together outside. That project was edited together by RAW Film Productions.


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