Videography within 24 hours - IDC Directions 2021

February means the start of the nice weather and new opportunities to get filming outside. We were on set with Rory Duncan, doing some local videography for his upcoming online event with IDC. It was exciting to be back on set, out and about in a town we all love.


Though the video has a corporate space in mind, we wanted the film to look as pleasing and as aesthetic. In using a mixture of our 70mm macro lens and a 50mm prime lens, we captured footage that creates a comforting and friendly effect. The use of warm, natural sunlight also helped show off Edinrbugh’s best side along with nearly 20+ years of lived experience to help pick the perfect locations.


We had a meer 24 hours to put the whole shoot together; sorting out location orders and equipment requirements. We had not used our new lens in this type of filming so a quick test took place the night before as we wanted to ensure quality. As we knew we would not have the final edit. We made sure clips started with a clean and obvious starting mark, as well as sticking tightly to the script in order to help the editors on the other side.


In the end, the final product was edited within IDC and used at their IDC Directions 2021 event from the 9th to the 16th of March.
Please enjoy the finished film:


If you would like to know more about the project or hear more about IDC themselves, you can check out their Website


Design Resource Kit - Naka Media LLP


Creative Practice PhD - Queen Margaret University