Capture your Fringe show - Get Up and Gospel!

With less than two weeks to plan, we were approached by Wellingborough Community Gospel Choir to record and archive one of their 2023 Fringe performances. Combining a few different camera angles and the highest quality audio, we spent a wonderful hour listening and filming the choir at Canongate Kirk.

We were so appreciative to be asked to record a performance like this, something very different from our normal work. But, we made sure to bring the same level of quality and attention to this project as with all our work.

We believe that each project should be given the same amount of respect and dedication to truly create media equality. It is not for us to judge who’s project is worth more or more meaningful- simply our job to create to the best of our ability. And we make sure we do that each time.

As always, for more information, you can contact us here. You can also see what we are up to on our Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn.


BA (Hons) Creative and Cultural Industries - Queen Margaret University


Reuben Kaye: The Butch is Back - Edinburgh Fringe 2023