Macro Photography - Nature is alive

With the acquisition of our 70mm macro lens, Thomas was inspired to work on their macro photography and explore the miniature world, hidden in our gardens. Thomas has an affinity with nature and the outdoors, making these photos expressions of that love. With something like macro photography, light is key as a lot of light is needed to see things so small. This lighting is so important and nothing is better than sunlight for creating a warm and soft glow. All of these images try to capture that feeling of being a child and exploring the grass, though, some of these shoots can take up to 4 hours to capture the right moments.

Thomas has spent many years perfecting and exploring their macro technique- inspired by many pioneers and visionaries before them. With this kind of specialist photography reserved for just that- specialist- Thomas decided to improve not only their understanding of all things macro and biological but also photography and composition. These combined skills make for the engaging photos you see here. And, all of this informed their macro videography.

These photos aim to inspire and enchant but mostly open a tiny window into a tiny world.

With these images as inspiration, you can see how they influenced the style of our Wildflower Meadow video. We have curated a collection of stills here, from that short. The feedback we got was “ENCHANTING” and we are very proud of this work. Though this work seems like it has a limited application- bing able to pepper in a few, very detailed, shots into a commercial or video really makes a difference. Audiences love it and so do we!


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