Jingle Cats 2021, Livestreaming and Charity - A case study in SEO and global events.

Every year the collection of creators called The Yogscast have hosted a charity drive called the Jingle Jam, where people can donate money to one of the 14 or so charities and receive a collection of games as a reward. The drive was originally targeted at gamers and The Yogscast’ audiences but now it has expanded to include anyone who is wanting to raise money for the cause. Over the last 10 years, this drive has raised a total of 20 million with the drive lasting the whole of December. The last two years, however, have only been two weeks- running from December 1st until December 14th- creating a real push in content creating, creativity and money-raising.

Thomas wanted to participate this year by submitting a ‘Jingle Cat’ (a type of cat and Christmas based video filled with in-jokes and funny editing) and put all of Naka Media’s skills to the test- even whilst completing work deadlines. Here is the full video:

Below, you will see Simon and Lewis (founders of The Yogscast) announcing and watching the start of the video. We watched along live, on December 1st, and were overjoyed when they loved it!

The video was enjoyed by audiences and the streamers alike, even being requested to be played twice (a real marker of success). It ended up as part of a fan-made compilation created the next day. You can watch the reactions to our video at 17:22 minutes into the video.

Although not the original intention of the video, this stunt pushed a huge amount of traffic to our website, got our name and logo shown to the 34 thousand live watching and boosted our social media presence. Not only that, many rewatch and save these videos, creating longevity to our work and name. Our SEO has never been more vital as many across the United Kingdom searched up ‘Naka Media LLP’- originating in Bristol (where The Yogscast offices are based) and working through Manchester, Stoke-on-Trent, Nottingham, Birmingham, Bedford, Devon, Yorkshire and even further afield; places like Ireland, Switzerland, Denmark, Columbia, Hungary, the Cayman Islands and even Australia and the United States!

The video itself even got a retweet and comment from The Yogscast Twitter which has over 600 thousand followers.

It was a huge joy to participate in this brilliant, global, online event. If you are wanting to catch more of these types of content from us, make sure to follow our Youtube, Twitter and Instagram. As always, if you are interested in learning more about this case study, contact us.


Black-and-white photography collection: Womanhood


Exterior Collaboration - Game Reviews for NSUKP Limited