Two cameras, four formats - Lydia Plus Osteoporosis Project

Media innovation is in our bones and so when Lydia Plus Osteoporosis Project contacted us about creating a mix of content and discussing best-practices techniques, we knew we couldn’t say no.

This collection of videos required us to be a bit more technical than normal. With 4 different video formats being requested, we ended up shooting with a dual camera setup- one Vertical and the other Horizontal, directly next to each other. This allows for the best quality for both frames. This technical journey took us to new grounds for recording but made the editing process a lot simpler as we could use the same take for all versions of the film.


The full video was then divided into four sections for social media platforms.

These first two were designed to be more educational and informative. They are very much abridged versions of the main video but feature faster pacing.

These two social media cuts were slightly different. The idea was to focus on vertical aspect rations and a more introductory style with the aim that these videos are far more ‘shareable’. They feature slightly more voiceover to talk the viewer through the content.


You can find out more about what Lydia Plus Osteoporosis Project do and what recourses are available here.


MSc Global Film Industries - Queen Margaret University


Making the Wee Forest - Queen Margaret University